If You Get Into A Car Accident In College Park, Here Is What You Need To Do

Oct 27, 2015

With Halloween coming up this Saturday, the blur of the holiday season is set, to begin with, Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.

In 2014, over 46 million Americans traveled more than 50 miles during Thanksgiving break.

According to AAA, that number is likely to rise by 3 to 4% this year.

With so many people driving on the roads, car accidents are expected.

So what do you do if you get into a car wreck?

  • Call the police?
  • Call a lawyer?
  • Call Fast Help?
  • Call a Chiropractor?

The answer might seem obvious, but getting caught up in the moment and becoming disoriented is easy to do, especially if you’ve been in a severe car accident in College Park.

After A Car Accident

Of course, if you are on the side of the road after just getting into an accident, make sure you call 911 to report the situation.

After you get off the phone with the dispatcher, take into consideration the following actions that address the broader scope of what happens after such an unfortunate event occurs.

At The Scene Of The Accident

Make sure you take as many detailed notes as possible of the accident, your injuries or any particular pain you experience, and the names and addresses of every person involved.

You can retrieve these following details from the police officer who files your accident report.

If you have a camera on hand or one that’s built into your smartphone, you’re going to want to take pictures of the crash scene, the location, as well as other points of information that help structure the trajectory of the collision, including:

  • stop signs
  • traffic lights
  • damage to your car
  • damage is taken by the other person’s car
  • damage to property such as guardrails, fences, telephone polls, etc.

Make sure you take several shots of each picture and include close-up and long distance angles.

If there are any witnesses at the scene of the accident, you might want to ask for their names and contact information, although a police officer can obtain this information, as well.

Right After The Accident

As soon as you can reach your home, try to grab an ice pack from your freezer or at least something that’s cold and apply it directly to any areas of your body that are soar or hurt.

While you may think that you should also apply heat to your wounds, it is recommended that you refrain from doing so, unless directed by your Chiropractor.

Seek Medical Support

Right after you put a cold pack on your sore neck or back, make sure you call a doctor immediately. Too often, car accident victims believe that they are fine based on how they feel physically, only to find themselves subjected to some symptoms a day or two later.

Your doctor should know if you experience any dizziness or numbness and will want to check for signs that indicate a concussion.

If you decide that you need to file a personal injury claim, later on, meeting with a doctor as soon as possible will help support your case, since it is easier to connect your injuries to the accident.

Visit A College Park Chiropractor

While visiting your primary physician will allow you to understand the extent of your wounds, you will still want to schedule an appointment with your local Chiropractor to have a better idea of what treatment will work best for your specific needs.

Chiropractic techniques are often able to bypass the risks associated with prescription drugs and invasive surgery because they focus exclusively on providing you with precise adjustment routines that align directly with your unique body structure and posture.

You do not need a referral to schedule an appointment, and most health insurance providers cover Chiropractic treatment.

If You Choose To File An Injury Claim

If you decide to follow through with filing a claim, make sure you organize all of the photos and notes you took at the scene of the accident, along with any prescriptions and treatment plans your doctor has recommended.

Maintaining a rigid structure of organization and detail is critical for following through with a successful claim, as your insurance company and all other involved parties will want as much information around:

  • what happened
  • what your role was in the accident
  • how it impacted your ability to live normally.

While not necessary, it is a good idea to maintain the following records:

A journal that is updated on a daily basis and discusses, at length, your injuries, treatment, impact at work, etc.

Medical files that detail each and every appointment with a medical professional during the entire rehabilitative process. This should be considerate of e-mails exchanges, notes your doctor(s) recorded during your visits, telephone transcripts, and other forms of communication.

Travel expenses and costs associated with each medical practitioner’s appointment and recommended treatment

Keep receipts for medications you were prescribed or any assistive devices such as crutches that were needed.


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