Category Archives: Heart Disease

Cardiovascular Health, Heart Disease | Feb 3, 2016

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Help Prevent Heart Disease?

Your heart is the most electrically active organ you have in your body. Incredibly enough, it can generate a pulsed electromagnetic field that is ten times stronger than the signals that are transferred from your brain. Because your heart is always pushing blood and oxygen throughout your body, it needs…

Cardiovascular Health, Heart Disease | Feb 10, 2016

How You Can Easily Eat More Veggies For A Healthier Heart

February celebrates healthy hearts around the United States, as it serves as National Heart Health Month. For those who are unaware of the devastating effects associated with heart disease, it is responsible for taking over 600,000 lives each year and adding over $444 billion to the nation’s growing healthcare debt.


Cardiovascular Health, Heart Disease | Feb 17, 2016

In Honor of National Heart Health Month, Here Are 5 Ways To Protect Your Heart

At AICA College Park, we treat hundreds of patients each year who suffer from some cardiovascular disease. In honor of February being National Heart Health Month, we would like to offer you many easy, practical ideas you can use to protect yourself from developing heart disease.

Cardiovascular Health, Heart Disease | Feb 24, 2016

Understanding The Devastating Effects of Heart Disease For Patients In College Park

February is National Hearth Health Month and raises awareness around the devastating impact and widespread reach of heart disease. Over 610,000 people die each year in the United States due to cardiovascular disease, while another 750,000 individuals will experience a heart attack in the next 12 months. Because of this,…

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